Joey Rubino

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Green Tea and Weight Loss …

By on May 12, 2010

There are two ways to lose weight — either reduce energy intake, or increase energy expenditure. Because hypothyroidism — even after treatment — may reduce energy expenditure in some people, patients naturally are looking for options that can help safely help raise the metabolism.

In a study reported on in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was found that green tea extract resulted in a significant increase in energy expenditure (a measure of metabolism), plus also had a significant effect on fat oxidation. While some of the effects were originally theorized to be due to the caffeine content of green tea, the researchers discovered that the tea actually has properties that go beyond those that would be explained by the caffeine. The same amount of caffeine as was in the green tea, administered alone, failed to change energy expenditure in other studies. This led reseachers to believe that there is some interaction going on with the active ingredients of green tea that promotes increased metabolism and fat oxidation.

The researchers indicated that their findings have substantial implications for weight control. A 4% overall increase in 24-hour energy expenditure was attributed to the green tea extract, however, the research found that the extra expenditure took place during the daytime. This led them to conclude that, since thermogenesis (the body’s own rate of burning calories) contributes 8-10% of daily energy expenditure in a typical cubject, that this 4% overall increase in energy expenditure due to the green tea actually translated to a 35-43% increase in daytime thermogenesis.

Now selling a Green Tea Supplement in my store – check it out !


By on May 9, 2010

If you’re a nut fan, you probably feel good about consuming a tasty food that’s high in Omega 3 Oils. Omega 3’s are so good for you, but roasted nuts aren’t good for you…and raw nuts are.

Sure, nuts start out high in healthy Omega 3 oils. The problem is that oils are vulnerable to heat, light, and oxidation. Once you heat the healthy oils found in nuts, you degrade them. But it does make the oil shelf-stable, which manufacturers find desirable.

To hydrogenate oil, the manufacturers take huge vats containing thousands of gallons of oil and they raise the temperature to almost boiling. Then they run an electrical current through the oil and bubble hydrogen gas up through it.

The effect is to saturate all the bonds of the fats with hydrogen atoms and to turn the fat from a liquid into a solid. That’s how margarine is made. Other processes can hydrogenate oil and keep it liquid, but it is now a saturated fat rather than a poly-unsaturated fat.

Still other heating processes turn good fats into transformed fats, or “trans-fats.” Trans-fats have been found in studies to be bad for your health.

The same sort of transformation for the worse happens when nuts sit on a store shelf in bright sunlight, or when they’re in a big bulk bin exposed to air.

Once nuts are roasted, the healthy oils they contain are no longer healthy. Sure, they might be tastier, but you can retrain your taste buds to appreciate the healthy goodness of raw nuts and seeds.

Given that the roasting process takes place under high heat, in the presence of air and light, you’ve got a recipe for turning all the good fats in nuts into bad ones just to improve the taste…in some people’s opinion.

  • Choose almond, pecan, and cashew butters made from raw nuts.
  • Buy raw nuts and seeds (such as almonds, pumpkin seeds, cashews, and sesame seeds) and blend them 50/50 with your favorite roasted nuts.
  • Start adjusting the mix more in favor of raw nuts and seeds.
  • Purchase Energy First Omega 3 mix, a blend of raw, certified organic flax, sesame, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds.
  • Stir OmegaMix into yogurt, sprinkle on top of salad, or broiled fish just before serving.

You can get the goodness of raw nuts and seeds by eating a handful of them for a snack, or by buying raw nut butters to smear on whole-wheat toast, or by using a nut grinder to chop them up to use in salads.

Raw nuts and seeds also blend in perfectly with raw foods diets that are growing in popularity. Raw foods—particularly fruits and vegetables—are popular and healthful because they have not been processed by heat.

10 Best Healthy Foods For You …

By on May 8, 2010

Egg Whites
Egg whites are one of the most concentrated, easily-absorbed forms of lean protein on the planet. Low-in-fat, but high in protein, egg whites can be a great addition to a healthy diet. Whip them up into omelets, scrambled eggs or even fold them into your morning oatmeal for a protein booster.
To get some of the health benefits of the egg yolk, without too much additional saturated fat and cholesterol, try using one whole egg with three to four egg whites. Egg whites are not only high in protein, but also riboflavin and micronutrients like selenium which may have anti-cancer properties.

Oatmeal and Oats
Speaking of breakfast, Oatmeal, Oats or oat bran are one of the best food choices to start your day off right. Oatmeal is high in fiber — including the soluble form of fiber than can help sweep cholesterol from the body. It also has plenty of slow-digesting, complex carbohydrates that keep your energy levels up and your blood sugar stable.
Oatmeal is also one of the four foods included in the portfolio diet, an approach to eating that has been shown to reduce blood cholesterol levels as effectively as statin drugs.
Avoid the pre-flavored, pre-packaged instant varieties that contain lots of added sugar. Opt instead for quick oats, old fashioned oats, steel-cut or boxed oat bran. Each of these varieties will have a slightly different texture, so experiment around to see what works for you.
Also, don’t forget that granola is made from oats and makes a great cold breakfast cereal when paired with skim milk.  Again, try to choose low-sugar varieties of packaged granola (like Bear Naked Fit).

Canned, dried or re-fried, it doesn’t matter, beans are amazingly good for you.
Like oatmeal, beans are extremely high in fiber, which keeps you regular and may also reduce the risk of certain cancers and heart disease.
Beans are also very versatile and come in a wide range of varieties, all with slightly different textures and flavors.
The best approach is to eat a variety of different beans, including black beans, pintos, kidney beans, cannellini beans and Garbanzos (chickpeas).
Along with that protein and fiber, beans are also very high in antioxidants, the chemicals which give beans their distinctive color and may help neutralize free radicals that can cause cellular damage in the body. By eating plenty of different colored beans, you are taking advantage of the full spectrum of phytochemicals unique to each variety.
Beans are very versatile and can be added into all kinds of recipes. Including them alongside grain-based foods (like pasta) or rice results in a complete protein. Beans can be added to pasta dishes, rices, soups and even made into salads.

This ancient  staple of the Inca Civilization is one of the healthiest grains you can eat.
Not technically a grain, but rather a seed, Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) has started to pop up in cookbooks and on restaurant menus, thanks to it’s broader availability in grocery stores. Look for it in the rice or organic/natural food isle at the grocery store or health food store.
An excellent substitute for brown rice, quinoa has a light, fluffy texture that makes it a great base for cold salads and tabbouleh, or as a warm breakfast cereal or a side pilaf.
It’s relatively high in fiber and complex carbohydrates, and is one of the only plant-based foods to have all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. It’s available in red, black, white and yellow varieties and there are even quinoa flakes available that make a tasty and creamy breakfast cereal.

Fish has always been a great source of lean protein for people who are fortunate enough to live near water.
However, aside from canned and frozen fish,  fresh fish wasn’t widely available to landlubbers until a few decades ago, when improvements in shipping made it possible for even people in Kansas to get fresh fish at the grocer.
Fish is high in polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids — healthy fats that research has shown may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.  These healthy oils in fish can also improve circulation, discourage blood clots,  reduce blood pressure, alleviate some symptoms of acute and chronic inflammatory disease, as well as possibly improve mood.
While fresh fish is preferable, don’t forget about frozen fish as well as canned varieties like salmon, tuna and mackerel which can make it easier and more convenient to include more fish in your diet.  Canned fish is higher in sodium, so if that’s a concern go easy on the canned, and opt instead for frozen or fresh.

Almonds (and other Nuts)
Almonds other nuts like walnuts, pecans and Brazil nuts consistently make the cut for one of the 10 best foods to eat thanks to their high levels of antioxidants, healthy fats and high mineral levels.
Regular consumption of nuts, especially almonds, has been linked to reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, Type II diabetes, certain cancers and possibly Alzheimer’s Disease.
While nuts have a reputation as a “fattening food”, research indicates they may be getting a bum rap. Studies show that nut eaters tend to weigh less than people who don’t eat nuts, or at least do not cause people to weigh more.
Nuts are nutritionally very dense, containing a high-level of vitamins, minerals and micronutrients.  They are also good sources of fiber, protein and heart and brain-healthy.
This makes almonds, walnuts, pecans and other nuts very satisfying, which may cause people to be less prone to overeating later. This effect is even more pronounced if you substitute in almonds and other nuts for nutritionally-empty snacks like potato chips, corn chips or pretzels.
Almonds, walnuts and pecans also consistently rank in lists of high-antioxidant foods. The types of antioxidants very depending on the nut, so including a wide-range of them in your diet can ensure you get the most antioxidant bang for your buck.
Watch out for sodium, however. While a handful of salted almonds every now and then is fine, try to find other ways to include unsalted nuts in your diet, including adding them to salads, granola or oatmeal.

Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables are a class of vegetables that include things like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale and radishes.
These vegetables make our list of the
10 Best Foods to Eat because they are high in Vitamin C, soluble fiber and numerous nutrients that may have anti-cancer properties, including compounds like diindolylmethane, sulforaphane and selenium.
Research from the University of Berkley has indicated that one of the compounds in cruciferous vegetables may have potent anti-cancer properties and suppresses cell proliferation in prostate cancer cells.
These vegetables can be eaten raw with healthy, low-fat dips or in salads. They also are great additions to stir-fry or as stand-alone side-dishes.

Yes, an apple a day might really be able to keep the doctor away. And that’s why they earned a place in the 10 Best Foods to Eat Hall-of-Fame.
Apples are one of the healthiest fruits you can eat.
High in fiber — especially soluble fiber and fruit pectins — and also high in antioxidants, vitamins and trace minerals, apples are a great daily addition to a healthy, clean eating diet. And because they are portable, they make a great, easy-to-transport snack.
Research indicates that regular apple consumption may help reduce the risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer.
Even better, they are relatively low in sugar, calories and contain no fat or cholesterol.  While apples are great whole, don’t forget that they make an excellent, crispy addition to salads or your morning oatmeal, cold cereal or muesli.

Berries like raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries and strawberries all make the10 Best Foods To Eat list because like apples and cruciferous vegetables, they are all extremely high in antioxidants, low in fat, and are good sources of fiber.
Berries are also relatively low in sugars compared to other fruits like bananas, which make them ideal for people who prefer to keep their carbohydrate intake lower.
They also freeze very well, making them a great “fresh” frozen fruit to keep on hand in the freezer to throw into smoothies or on your cereal or oatmeal in the morning.

Salad Greens
Last, but not least, are salad greens.While green leafy vegetables are a great low-calorie source of antioxidants, vitamins and trace minerals, those greens can be ruined by slathering them in heavy mayonnaise or cream-based dressings.
Opt instead to  dress them with lighter vinegerettes that use cold-pressed healthy oils like olive oil, nut oils or avocado oil. These oils are high in heart-friendly fats, which may actually discourage fat storage and have additional health benefits.
Also, encourage yourself to eat more healthy greens by getting a salad spinner and preparing and bagging your own lettuce at home. Not only will this ensure you always have lots of fresh, crisp salad on hand, but it’s also more economical than buying the pre-bagged stuff at the grocery.
Don’t forget heartier greens like kale and spinach, which can be eaten mixed in green salads, or are great additions to soups. Dark, leafy vegetables are great sources of vitamins and minerals and can provide a flavor boost to all kinds of soups and dishes.

The Secret To Healthy Eating: Combining The Best Foods Together
You’ll get the most nutritional punch by combining the foods from the list above.  This is known as a portfolio approach to eating.
By including a wide-range of different sources of antioxidants, healthy fats, proteins and complex carbohydrates, you can “super-charge” your meals and diet.
There is mounting evidence that phytochemicals, micro-nutrients, and certain vitamins and minerals work together in the body to fight disease, maintain energy and regulate key metabolic functions.
So try to include all of these healthy foods into your diet on a regular basis for the best results.


By on May 7, 2010

Also called Isphagula, psyllium belongs to the plant family Plantago and among its parts considered to be beneficial to health are the seed and husk. The many psyllium husk benefits have contributed greatly to its growing popularity in the health industry.

What Is It?

The husk of the psyllium is primarily composed of mucilage or soluble fiber. For this reason, they are easily dissolved yet not readily digested and absorbed in the digestive tract.

The fiber component is known to reduce appetite, improve digestion and cleanse your system of harmful toxins. It is a good fiber supplement if your diet is lacking.

Psyllium seeds swell 10-20 times their size when they come in contact with water.That’s why you should drink plenty of water if you’re taking a fiber supplement.

What are the Benefits?

Because of its soluble fiber component,it has been widely used for the following health problems:

  1. Cholesterol Control – to reduce the risk of high cholesterol-associated illnesses, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), intake of at least 3 to 12 grams of fiber can reduce LDL cholesterol as well as total cholesterol levels
  2. Constipation – psyllium husk allows for increased absorption of water during digestion resulting to softened stools and reduced pain associated with hemorrhoids
  3. Diarrhea – used as an agent for bulk-forming, it can relieve mild and moderate cases of diarrhea by firming up stools and allow for its slower passage.
  4. High sugar levels in blood – Proven to lower blood sugar levels in patients diagnosed with diabetes
  5. Inflammatory bowel disease – studies have revealed that it can actually regulate consistency and frequency of stool in individuals with this digestive problem. In addition, it reduces bloating and flatulence.
  6. Obesity and Weight Loss – improves lipid and sugar levels in the blood effectively reducing body weight
  7. Colon Cancer Prevention – some studies have shown possiblities of reduced risk for colon cancer
  8. Preparation for Colonoscopy Procedure – cleanses the colon before a colonoscopy.

With the many amazing benefits, including it in your low-fat diet can improve your overall health.

Psyllium acts as a sponge, sucking up toxins and helping the friendly bacteria in your stomach!

Some benefits include:

  • Helps against constipation
  • Acts as a lubricant
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Cleanses the colon
  • Helps with blood pressure
  • Safe laxative
  • May help with weight loss
  • Treat stomach and intestinal ulcers
  • Good against heartburn

There are times when you should be careful and consult your doctor before trying this supplement.

For example if you…

  • Are pregnant
  • Are under 7 years old
  • Have diabetes
  • Have had stomach problems before
  • Have difficulty swallowing

Psyllium fiber is in the FDA pregnancy category B. Which basically means that it is unlikely to harm your baby. But check with your doctor anyway!

I use psyllium when I am on a fast or when I am feeling constipated. And it works great for me.

My overall experience with psyllium has been very safe.

My worst experiences have been mild rumbling in the stomach and having to run to the bathroom a few times more than usual 🙂

I also sometimes get a mild sensation in my head, but it’s nothing to worry about. It feels more like I just woke up and it passes quickly.

My bowel movements are a solid 2-3 even sometimes 4 a day since using Psylium.

You can buy  Psyllium Husk at my store, shipping is free in the US.


By on April 30, 2010

Best Lunges for Firm Glutes & Toned Legs

Lunges that sculpt a firm butt and lean legs are challenging, require big full body movement that burn loads of calories, and target all the little problem areas like the inner things, the saddle bags, the crease between the leg and the glutes, inside the knees, behind the knees, etc. Ordinary lunges are great but the targeted lunges below really deliver big time results fast.

Walking Lateral DB Lunge
1. Holding one dumbell between your legs take left foot and step 2-3 feet out to the left side (or the 3 o’clock position). Lean torso forward and sit the right glute back. DO NOT allow lunging knee to extend past the big toe – may cause injury.
3) Pushing off lunging foot, return to start position.
4) Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Reaching forward should be performed at the hips and not the low back. Shoulders, hips, and front foot should point forward at all times.
5) Watch for proper knee alignment – do not let lunging knee extend past big toe or deviate laterally or medially. Opposite leg should remain straight during lunging phase as shown.

Slideboard Bodyweight Reverse Lunge
1. Start by placing your hands on top of your head and placing one foot on the slideboard or a “val slide”.
2. Proceed to lunge by sliding your foot back until you reach full range of motion. Your front leg should be bent to about 90 degrees.
3. Return to the starting position by standing up using the front leg.
4. Repeat for the desired repetitions and then repeat with the other leg.


By on April 26, 2010

Walking is a low-impact exercise with numerous health benefits. Here’s how to get started.
Walking is a gentle, low-impact exercise that can ease you into a higher level of fitness and health. Walking is one of your body’s most natural forms of exercise. It’s safe, simple, doesn’t require practice, and the health benefits are many. Here’s more about why walking is good for you, and how to get started with a walking program.

Benefits of walking

Lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol)
Raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol)
Lower your blood pressure
Reduce your risk of or manage type 2 diabetes
Manage your weight
Improve your mood
Stay strong and fit

Counting your steps with a pedometer can motivate you to keep walking.

Walking paves the way to fitness. But are you taking enough steps? Use a pedometer to find out.

A pedometer is an inexpensive device that tallies your steps — whether you’re fitness walking or simply going about your daily activities. A pedometer can be a powerful reminder that every step counts on the path toward better health.

Check out my store. The pedometers I have designed will help you keep on track.


By on April 23, 2010

What Is A Body Detox?
What exactly is a body detox and most importantly, how can it help you? It is one of the latest trend right now and for a good reason. Many experts now believe that a lot of illnesses and diseases are brought on by our self. In another word, we are the cause of these illnesses because of the way we live our lives. From smoking to oily foods, these will sooner or later cause our body to break down because of the toxins we put into our body.

Why Do I Need A Body Detox?
Toxins that are not easily discarded by our body will build up and after some time will cause problem as our body is unable to get rid of it easily. The cleaning process done by our body requires a lot of effort and eliminating them requires a lot of energy. This energy draining process can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to allergies, colds and flu. Even though our body tries it’s best to rid it of these substances, it’s not exactly very efficient at eliminating hard substances such as heavy metals cadmium and lead. These will leave your body working double hard and eating away your energy level. This is the reason why you find yourself tired the whole day. It’s the side effect of the natural cleaning process done by your body. Fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, stomach pain, constipation, weight gain, insomnia, etc are some of the problems that we will face when our body fails to get rid of these toxins. This is where body detox comes in; you need to assist your body in the cleaning process.

Body Detox
Body detoxification is a full and thorough cleansing to remove built up toxins naturally. Any chemical that your body becomes dependant on and you then try to remove from the system will go through the detoxification process. It’s just like your car’s engine, you need to service it periodically to clean out the oil clog and it goes the same with our bodies, we need to service it once in a while to take out the garbage. Detox serves as a preventative health measure to help you lighten your load of the excess “garbage” in your body and essentially help to cleanse the colon, lymph glands, kidneys, lungs, liver, and skin. It’s important to know that no matter how young or healthy one thinks he or she may be, or how pure we try to keep our bodies, we live in a world whereby many toxins are forced upon us, (especially in the big city whereby pollution is everywhere) which ultimately impacts our well-being.

Our body is not able to remove the accumulated poison and toxin without help, so we need to assist our body to remove the build up.

If you suffer from low energy level, fatigue, bloated stomach or excess weight, you shouldn’t just except and ignore the problem, these are some of the signs that your body is in need of a body detox. A thorough body cleansing is necessary to purify your system inside out to return it back to its normal state. Itfs crucial to maintaining a good health that you detoxify and cleanse your body thoroughly and often to get rid of harmful toxic substances. These toxins are the cause of a lot of health issues. Okay, now that you know you need a body detox and how important it is, how do you go about doing it? Before that though, you need to understand first what happens when you detox your body.
So what exactly happens when you detox your body?
During a body detoxification process, you will:
1. Cleanse your colon with special herbs designed to clean out colon debris, parasites and toxic plaque.
2. Replenish the good bacteria that have been lost while cleansing the colon. Good bacteria help protect the flora balance and protect you by boosting your immune system.
3. In the final step, use detoxifying herbs, vitamins, amino acids and minerals to cleanse your liver, blood, brain, tissues and other parts of your body.

Now that you know how happens during a body detoxification, how do you go about detoxing your body? There are different ways for you to achieve these goals. One of the simplest and safest ways is probably to purchase a detoxification kit or body cleansing system. There are many different products out there on the market for you to choose from.

These packaged programs come with all the things you need to detoxify your body as well as instructions on how to use them correctly. Normally, it is simply a pill or sometimes a liquid or both that you consume orally. Some of these contain some of Mother Naturefs best detoxing agents such as aloe vera, ginger, grape seed and many other natural ingredients. These natural ingredients are combined together to provide you with an effective body detoxification supplements that will cleanse and detoxify your body.

Before you go out and get yourself a detox system, do some research and make sure that the system is able to provide you with the followings:
– Removing heavy metals such as lead and mercury
– Detoxify your liver, kidneys and other organs
– Replenish the friendly bacteria with a pro-biotic formula
– Recharge your immune system with a powerful antioxidant support

Body detoxification tips to ensure results and success
1) Follow a balanced dietary plan
2) Maintain proper nutrition at all time
3) Obtain all of your vitamins from food and supplements to address your need
4) Eat MORE whole foods from all food groups
5) Consider all the elements of a healthy diet and stay with them
6) Understand and support, following the basics of healthy and nutritional eating
7) Make sure that there’s balance, variety and moderation in all aspects of your life
8 ) Diversity in your diet is vital in all stages of detox. Try to pick from natural bread and other whole-grain products such as vegetables. fruits. dairy products and fish, meat, poultry and other protein foods. Fiber-intake and hydration is still very important.
9) Low-fat products and lean proteins are good.
10) Maintain a healthy weight.
11) More, smaller, healthier meals, more often, smaller portions, consume frequently to maintain a stable blood sugar and keep your metabolism ticking!
12) Avoid too much sugar, starch, salt and refined foods.
13) Very important, fried foods and fats have to go and be removed from your palette, menu and plate!
14) Do not skip meals, get hungry, thirsty or suppress/deny your appetite.
15) Make healthier selections for your vitality, balance, well-being and even longevity.
16) Get involved in activities and practices that encourage good wellbeing and decrease risk of major chronic illnesses.
17) Drink lots of water to hydrate the body. It’s also advised to drink at least three glasses of low-fat milk per day.


By on April 20, 2010

1. French-Fries

Deep-frying in oil adds the carcinogen acrylamide into potatoes and most chips. A large serving of fries can contain over 300 times the allowable limit set by other countries such as Sweden.

2. Processed Breakfast Cereals

Avoid those which use genetically modified grains. They are packed with refined sugar and offer little protein value. Just wander into the cereal aisle and see if you can find a bag of plain oatmeal.

3. Diet Soda

It contains aspartame and has no nutritional value. Aspartame is metabolized into a formaldehyde compound, which can lead to problems. There is evidence that artificial sweeteners can stimulate the desire for sweet food.

4. Soda

It is packed full of refined sugar and has no nutritional value, yet high school students use it as a primary source of hydration. Large amounts have the potential to demineralize bones. We do not have to look far to see that the osteoporosis cycle begins before the bones are fully mature.

5. Decaffeinated Coffee

If you are going to drink coffee, then do so. Some of the decaffeination processes utilize filtration that imparts active chlorine into the coffee. There is a study suggesting women who drink decaffeinated coffee have a higher incidence of rheumatoid arthritis.


6. White Bread

It is made with refined flour stripped of vitamins, fiber, protein and minerals. Refined liquid sugar is added.

7. Commercial Pizza

High in sodium, carbohydrates and fats, pizza is heated at over 180C, destroying a great deal of the nutrient value. Making your own, by using pure flours, vegetables, minimizing cheese and sodium, may be an alternative.

8. Low Fat Ice Cream

It is made from genetically modified soy. Taking fat out of the ice cream drives up the glycemic index. Either eat ice cream or don’t. Don’t think that there is any such thing as healthy ice cream.


9. Donuts

Donuts are deep fried white bread coated with sugar.

10. Fruit Drinks

They are mostly water, sugar with some coloring. Even the labeling on fruit juices can be misleading.


By on April 19, 2010

Is sugar addictive?

A wedge of rich, dark chocolate cake iced in thick, sweet ganache beckons.
Each bite melts onto the tongue, delivering a delightful rush and a feeling that all is well. Soon after the plate is empty, the mind wonders when the next piece may come along, inviting the question: Is sugar habit-forming?

In medical terms, a substance is addictive if it:
• induces a pleasant state or relieves distress,
• causes long-term chemical changes in the brain,
• leads to adaptive changes in the brain that trigger tolerance, physical dependence and uncontrollable cravings,
• causes dependence, so that abstaining is difficult and creates severe physical and mental reactions.

Specifically, in analyzing how rats react to sugar consumption, scientists have found similarities to the response to drugs like heroin and cocaine. When humans and rats eat sweets, their brain levels of dopamine (a neurotransmitter that regulates reward and is at the heart of many addictive behaviors) increases.



– Eat when nervous
– Excessive appetite
– Hungry between meals
– Irritable before meals
– Get shaky if hungry
– Fatigue, eating relieved
– Lightheaded if meals delayed
– Heart palpitates if meals missed or delayed
– Afternoon headaches
– Overeating sweets upsets
– Awaken after few hours sleep, hard to get back to sleep
– Crave candy, carbohydrates or coffee in afternoons
– Moods of depression, blues or melancholy
– Abnormal craving for sweets or snacks

Sugar cravings are a real problem for many of us. They can cause much frustration as well as feelings of low self-worth as we give in to those cravings.

Here are just 10 of many reasons why sugar is so bad for you …

1. Sugar causes blood glucose to spike and plummet.
Unstable blood sugar often leads to mood swings, fatigue, headaches and cravings for more sugar.

2. Sugar increases the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
Large-scale studies have shown that the more high-glycaemic index foods a person consumes (those that quickly affect blood sugar), including foods containing sugar, the higher their risk for becoming obese and for developing diabetes and heart disease and cancer.

3. Sugar interferes with immune function.
Animal studies have shown that sugar suppresses immune response.

4. A high-sugar diet often results in chromium deficiency.
If you consume a lot of sugar and other refined carbohydrates, you probably don’t get enough of the trace mineral chromium, and one of chromium’s main functions is to help regulate blood sugar. Chromium is found in a variety of animal foods, seafood and plant foods. Refining starches and other carbohydrates rob these foods of their chromium supplies so think wholegrain!

5. Sugar accelerates ageing.
It even contributes to that telltale sign of ageing: sagging skin. Probably another reason ever-young celebrities like Yasmin LeBon steer clear of the sweet stuff. Some of the sugar you consume, after hitting your bloodstream, ends up attaching itself to proteins, in a process called glycation. These new molecular structures contribute to the loss of elasticity found in aging body tissues, from your skin to your organs and arteries. The more sugar circulating in your blood, the faster this damage takes hold.

6. Sugar causes tooth decay.
With all the other life-threatening effects of sugar, we sometimes forget the most basic damage it does. When it sits on your teeth, it creates decay more efficiently than any other food substance, and all the money in the world can’t reverse this process.

7. Sugar can cause gum disease, which can lead to heart disease.
Increasing evidence shows that chronic infections, such as those that result from periodontal problems, play a role in the development of coronary artery disease.

8. Sugar affects behavior in children.
It is believed that one trigger of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be consumption of sugar. All high Gi foods cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels, which causes a temporary surge of energy and at the same time, hyperactivity. Soon after this energy surge comes a dip in energy, with the end result being hypoglycaemia. This will inevitably lead to fatigue, irritability, poor sleeping habits and lack of concentration.

9. Sugar increases stress.
When we’re under stress, our stress hormone levels rise. These chemicals are the body’s fight-or-flight emergency crew, sent out to prepare the body for an attack or an escape. These chemicals are also called into action when blood sugar is low.

10. Sugar takes the place of important nutrients.
According to nutrition scientists, research has shown that people who consume the most sugar have the lowest intakes of essential nutrients –– especially vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, vitamin B-12, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and iron. Ironically, those who consume the most sugar are children and teenagers, the individuals who need these nutrients most.

Quitting Sugar
Now that you know the negative impacts refined sugar can have on your body and mind, you’ll want to be more careful about the foods you choose. And the first step is getting educated about where sugar is hiding and laced into. Believe it or not, a food doesn’t even have to taste all that sweet for it to be loaded with sugar.

When it comes to convenience and packaged foods, let the ingredients label be your guide, and be aware that just because something boasts that it is low in carbs or a ‘diet’ food, doesn’t mean it’s free of sugar.

Don’t let sugar take over and ruin your life. Sugar is so powerful. Large manufacturers today aren’t helping us live full, happy, heathy lives .. stop contributing to those companies that are more concerned about making money than making the world a better place – capitalism is truly ruining us. Start to make the change – thats all it takes – you cant change others but you can change you and hope that your changes are so noticeable that people want what you have and will naturally follow in your footsteps. Lets do this. Quitting sugar is not easy while you go through withdrawals – this will normally take around 3 weeks and will come to pass – I am on day 16 no sugar and feel better than ever .. come join me … you wont regret it.

Joey x



By on April 18, 2010

Start by lying on a mat with your legs straight out. Lift your legs straight up using only your abdominals and hip flexors. Lower your legs down without them touching the ground. Repeat.

A spotter can go behind the participant and throw the persons legs down to create more resistance. Turning the exercise into a Throwdown.

Lower Abdominals