Joey Rubino

Welcome To My World


Orphanage Fundraiser Jaipur, India

By on September 3, 2016

I have a little over a month left in LA before I go on my next adventure.

As life continues to unfold for me – my plan is to head to Jaipur – India this winter working at an orphanage for 6 – 7 months.

I am currently trying to raise funds to help provide for the children – money raised will contribute to medical expenses, food, clean water, shelter and clothing for those most in need. If this is something you might be interested in contributing towards – all donations are welcome and no amount is too small – I would be most grateful.
As well as donations I welcome any great ideas to raise funds or wisdom you may have as i truly am looking to make the most of this endeavor.

My long term goal in the coming years once I have mastered culture language and the true needs of the locals is to build my very own orphanage.

Along with excitement I have some natural fear of the unknown but I trust in God and the greater purpose of life.

I know In this day and age we are being pulled in so many directions being asked for donations and money here there and everywhere – which makes it difficult to help and say yes to every cause that comes our way. 
If this is something that speaks to you and you can and want to contribute any funds to I would be most grateful. 

Fundraising is so new to me and if I’m honest I’m not very good at it and I certainly don’t like asking people for help – I just want to be out on the field making a difference.

That being said – I am just waiting to rent out my condo and have my car lease taken over and then I’m ready to head off – I am hoping to leave the US by October 12th, spend some quality time in London with family and then out on my venture. 

I will be posting videos and blogs of my journey in social media and hope you will enjoy following my progress on this path. 

Natural Remedies for Depression

By on August 1, 2016

We all have those days. The mornings you just don’t want to get out of bed. You have no motivation and nothing sounds like fun. But when that one day turns into multiple days and then weeks, you may have depression. If this is the case, you are certainly not alone. Depression affects 8 percent of women and 4 percent of men in the U.S.One solution is to take a medication prescribed by a doctor, however, many of these are addictive and have side effects, such as insomnia, nausea or emotional numbness. So, you may want to try a natural treatment first to see if your symptoms subside.

Check out these natural treatments to stave off the blues. 

St. John’s Wort

Herbal medicine has been used for hundreds of years to treat depression and recent research is proving it to be clinically effective. St. John’s Wort, for example, has been shown to be better than a placebo and is widely prescribed in Europe for depression. In 2009, a review based on 29 international studies showed that St. John’s Wort provides fewer side effects than prescription antidepressant medications when taken by those with moderate depression.

Caution is advised with St. John’s Wort, however, as it can have negative interactions with antidepressant and antianxiety medications. So if you are already taking prescription medication, check with your doctor before taking St. John’s Wort.


The body naturally produces a chemical called SAMe (S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine) that has been shown to be effective in the treatment of depression. It is produced from methionine, an amino acid that is found in every cell of the body.

In Europe, SAM-e is a prescription drug to combat depression, osteoarthritis and liver disease. In the U.S., you can find it with other over-the-counter herbal supplements. In cases of bipolar disorder (manic depression), SAMe should not be taken because it may increase episodes of mania.


Also known as Indian Cherry, Ashwagandha is an herb that has been used for centuries by Ayurvedic practitioners in India to address a variety of conditions. The key benefits of Ashwagandha are to support the thyroid and adrenal glands, which can help you adapt to stress. When used to improve symptoms of depression, this ancient herb helps to calm the central nervous system and reduce anxiety. Since it is a mild sedative, many take this supplement before going to sleep to help with depression-related insomnia.


If your depression is rooted in anxiety, yoga can help. Yoga has shown to reduce the stress hormone cortisol and increase feelings of peace and well-being. Through the yoga postures and breathing techniques, awareness is increased and your mind is brought into the present moment. This helps to calm the worrying mind and create a feeling of ease with whatever situation is causing the anxiety. Yoga also increases the connection between mind and body, leaving you feeling more in control of your thoughts through controlling the breath.

Fisher Wallace Stimulator

The Fisher Wallace Stimulator uses patented waveforms to gently stimulate the brain to produce serotonin and other neurochemicals responsible for healthy mood and sleep. Unlike antidepressant medication that inhibits neuronal receptors from absorbing serotonin, the Fisher Wallace Stimulator enables the brain to produce serotonin naturally while improving the brain’s ability to regulate the limbic system. Proven in multiple published studies, the device is cleared by the FDA to treat depression, anxiety and insomnia. During each 20-minute treatment session (once or twice a day), the device stimulates the brain to produce serotonin and norepinephrine while lowering cortisol (the stress hormone). 


I have seen and read several authentic reviews on these treatments, as well as my own experience in using all to help combat my own experiences with depression with great success.

Perhaps one or a combination of these treatments can help you to feel like yourself again. Good Luck!

3 Foods You Must Stop Eating in America Today

By on July 29, 2016

It has become a well-known fact that much of the food found in America is imported from China. Why would one need to buy food from China when we have so much farmland in America? It all has to do with the price, food from China is cheaper, but it comes at a cost.


90% of tilapia in America comes from China. The fish are bottom feeders and will eat almost anything. With water pollution, the way it is in China, eating anything raised in that water would be unsafe to say the least. Plus, who knows what the fish are being fed. There is, also, one study that states tilapia is less healthy than bacon.


70% of American Cod comes from China. Yet again this is a water pollution and feeding issue. There are few restrictions in China for these types of exports.


In 2013, the US Department of Agriculture approved the sale of chicken from China in the United States. As with fish (mentioned above) this is a pollution and feeding issue. China is commonly plagued with avian flu and other foodborne illnesses.
 If you wonder where chronic illness and cancers stem from – feeding your body toxic foods is a huge contributor.

The only way America will ever stop importing foods like these from china is if the demand is not there – this will stop if we stop buying, educate ourselves and others and try and put a stop to this greed mentality where as a nation we have put money before humanity and it’s got to stop. Capitalism trumps wellness – when the big companies know they are feeding us poison and toxic foods and have no issue in doing so – we have to take responsibility for our own choices and despite foods like these being available – not to consume them. 

It starts with you. Spend a little more money on quality food.  Eat local. Eat organic and Support healthy farming practices.

You do not have to wait for serious illness to strike for you to make the change – do it today – stay healthy, stay well.

Demi Lovato Tour

By on February 2, 2014

Excited to be joining Demi Lovato on The Neon Lights Tour !!

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram to see tour life through my eyes.


Vitamin D Benefits

By on February 23, 2013

“Close the window, you will catch a cold?”
“Where’s your coat, it’s freezing out, youre going to get sick?”

I think most of us have heard something like this from our mum at some point or another. I still do !!! So lets clear this myth up; you do not catch a cold or the flu from being in cold weather; illnesses such as these are caused by viruses that we come in contact with. And there are just as many viruses around to come in contact with in the summer as there are in the winter.

In fact, cold symptoms are not really symptoms of the virus – the stuffy, runny nose, fever, fatigue etc. we feel are actually what happens when our immune system is working overtime to fight the virus. The healthier our immune system is, the easier it will find fighting the foreign virus. Which is why two people exposed to the same virus may not both ‘get sick’. They both may feel that initial tell tale tickle in their throats, or start to sniffle, but while one may get a full blown cold, the other feels just fine the next day. And perhaps one never even notices any symptoms at all.

But why is that? It’s not because one was wearing a warmer coat than the other. Most likely, it has to do with how efficient their immune systems are. If a speedy immune system response is triumphant in eliminating the virus, it’s work is done, and a cold is avoided.

So it seems that along with practicing good hygiene for avoiding illness, we can also practice good immune building so that even if we are exposed, we get by without becoming sick.

And that’s where we can maybe give our mums some credit. Colds are more prevalent in the colder months. That’s where that assumption of being cold is what causes a cold comes from. But rather than our bodies actually being cold – it’s that big star up in the sky that we can credit for being more well in the warmer months.

Research has shown that Vitamin D plays a key role in sustaining our immune system. If we are deficient in Vitamin D, we are more likely to find ourselves needing to take time off to heal ourselves from a virus. The sun has traditionally been our main source of Vitamin D. In the summer, we naturally soak up more sunshine and more Vitamin D. Unknowingly, we’ve been benefitting our immune system simply by enjoying the sunshine. In the winter, not only is there less sunshine, but we are more covered up, so less apt to benefit from what is available.

Luckily, supplements like Vitamin Code Raw D3 are available, and effective. Getting your Vitamin D levels tested and supplementing as needed to put your levels in the optimal range is a great proactive way to avoid spending time fighting a virus this winter. Most of us will find that our Vitamin D can use a boost – make sure you are supplementing with Vitamin D3 – cholecalciferol – and that you are taking an appropriate dose for your current levels.

Of course, spending time in the sun is a great way to raise your Vitamin d levels. There are a few apps available that will tell you the best time of day for sun exposure to benefit your Vitamin D levels. D VitaMeter and D Minder will help you track and monitor Vitamin D exposure for you based on height, weight, skin type and location. Both are free.

When you think about it, soaking up the sun feels so amazingly great, it makes sense that its good for our health too.

I hope that we can someday get to a point where all of us are seeking to stay well and keep our immune system high with good levels of vitamin D during the winter months – instead of resorting to flu shots and medications which we do not currently understand how they are truly effecting our bodies.

If everyone had the right levels of vitamin D – Hardly anyone would get sick – i think that would be a huge problem for our health care system with less visits to the doctors and pharmacies – but a huge benefit to us!

This is another in my series of blogs for  You can find them here. Stop by and tell me about your experiences with adding Vitamin D to your life!  

Retreat Update!!

By on February 19, 2013

Only 8 rooms left
September 8-13

For a limited time we have price cuts
Single occupancy $3000
Two sharing $2500 each
Three sharing $2150 each
Four sharing $1500 each

We also have a raffle
Ticket to play is $100
And you have a 1 in 35 chance of winning
The raffle is all inclusive of accommodation, workouts, airfare and food

Leave a comment below if interested in purchasing a raffle ticket – drawing is on August 11th at flywheel fundraiser

Eating Locally

By on December 3, 2012

Looking for a snack or something sweet after dinner?  A bowl of berries, or some sliced pineapple sounds perfect, doesn’t it?  Satisfies that desire for something sweet and fills your body with some excellent vitamins and  nutrients.  Or does it?  That depends, is it summer in California, or winter in London?

If it’s winter in London, that could be a bad assumption.  Those berries have travelled thousands of miles to arrive at your grocery store.  Chances are they were picked before they were ripe, and artificially ripened at the end of their travels.  Doing this allows us to have a great selection of produce to choose from around the world, regardless of the season.  But in exchange, the transported produce is lower in vitamins, taste and overall quality.

Your best bet when choosing what to eat, is to look at what’s in season where you are located.  Consuming local produce, fruits and vegetable that are growing close by at the time you are looking to eat them, is what your body is expecting.  It gives you a nice variety of foods over a twelve month period, and each bite is as packed full of good fresh stuff as it can be.

But how can you tell what to choose?  Stopping by your local Farmers Market is a great first step.  Here you can see what produce has been grown locally, picked recently, and brought to you by the people who nourished it during the growing period.  Not sure where to find a local Farmer Market? check out this website

Local Harvest is a great tool for finding Farmers Markets, grocery stores that stock local produce, and restaurants who support local farmers.

If you are comfortable with the idea of switching your meal plans to include local seasonal produce, why not also check into available CSA’s in your area? CSA stands for  Community Supported Agriculture.  While each one works a bit differently, the main idea is that you sign up for a weekly box of locally grown produce directly from the grower, eliminating the middle man.  You may not get to choose exactly what your box contains, but you will get fresh, locally grown, recently picked fresh produce that is in season.

More comfortable sticking with your local grocery store?  That’s great! You can still choose in season, locally grown foods. Locavore ( is a great app that spells out what is in season where you are right now.  You can also search different areas, if you will be traveling to a new location and want to explore the in season offerings when you get there.

Until quite recently, our bodies didn’t have a choice, local in season produce was what it had, and we thrived on it. It created a natural balance throughout the year. Better nutrition, better tasting food.  Give it a try, your body will love you for it.

This is another in my series of blogs for  Lots of great information being shared at  Stop by and let me know what you think and if you practice Seasonal Eating – or leave a comment here.

Benefits of Fish Oils

By on October 31, 2012

I love a perfectly grilled salmon fillet. Not only is it appealing to the taste buds, it’s super healthy as well. Fish is high in Omega-3 fatty acids – essential for our bodies, but not found in many foods. So including fish oil in our diets is important. To get adequate levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, we would need to eat a lot of fish. And since we’ve all heard that there are concerns of rising mercury levels in our water supply, and therefore our fish, including a daily fish oil supplement is the way to go.

The benefits of fish oil are numerous. Softer skin and hair are changes you can see, but what’s going on inside the body is where the true benefits lie. Evidence shows that taking a fish oil supplement can be helpful for:

– Lowering blood pressure

– Lower triglyceride levels

– Prevent heart disease

– Decrease risk of stroke

– Eye health, including improving both dry eyes and macular degeneration

– Lowering high blood pressure

– Menstrual pain

– Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorger

– Kidney problems

– Weight loss

– Asthma

– lowering high cholesterol

– Depression

Thats quite a list, isn’t it? With so many potential benefits, you can see why just about everyone can benefit from taking a fish oil supplement. Check the label for specific dosing information; but studies are based on an average of 4 grams of fish oil per day.

Make sure the fish oil product you choose is from a reputable source. The finest fish oil supplements use purified oil from small fish, which have been shown to absorb less environmental toxins.

When your body is functioning at optimal levels, you can’t help but be in a better mood. Try adding fish oil to your routine for a month, i’m willing to bet you’ll find yourself happier and healthier.


This is another in my series of blogs for  You can find them here. Let me know how you are finding the benefits of fish oil.