Joey Rubino

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Posts by: admin-2


By on July 14, 2010


Protein Shake – feel free to use any of my protein recipes – however I made one I havent yet listed on my site called The Incredible Hulk.


1 tsp matcha green tea

1 serving / scoop of Vanila Protein

1 Medim Banana

1 tsp Glutamine

Mid morning snack

I normaly just juice my vegetables fresh myself – but not everyone will have a juicer so I got this juice from Trader Joes for today  – if you are getting a pre made juice – look at vital sugar and calorie content – fresh vegetble juice is what you are looking for  – wth no fruit or concentrates added – Naked juice will NOT work.


Lunch – Home made chicken salad

1 4oz grilled chicken breast
2 cups mixed green salad
1/2 chopped broccoli
1/2 carrot shredded
1/4 cup of chickpeas
2 tbsp Balsamic Low Cal salad dressing

I’ve learned something about making individual salads for future meals.  Stacking the ingredients is key to keeping it all fresh looking.

Using a tall containe Fill the container in this order:

salad dressing
shredded vegetables
chopped vegetables
lettuce/mixed greens

When it’s time to eat, turn contents over straight onto serving plate and toss.  The salad will be as fresh as if you had just tossed it together.  Keeping the dressing on bottom and away from the fresh greens helps prevent wilting.

Afternoon Snack :  Greens Protein Bar

Any good nutritional bar thats not too high in sugar will do. But the bar i had today was from Garden of Life and so yummy


Dinner – Home Grilled Salmon & Asparagus

4oz Salmon

5 small Asparagus stalks

Black Pepper


Grill together – doesnt take log to cook – like 8 minutes – enjoy !

No night time snack for me tonight – wasn’t craving anything xxxxx


By on July 13, 2010




1/2 cup of Oatmeal

1 cup of Water

2 tbsp Chunky Apple Sauce

1 tbsp Almond Butter

1 tbsp Raw Walnut pieces

Honey to sweeten

Cook oatmeal, continually stirring until almost all water has been absorbed and oatmela looks almost ready – add 1 tbsp to oatmeal and stir until almond butter has seeped into oats, add 2 tbsp of the chunky apple sauce, stir – allow about 30 seconds for apple sauce to heat up a little and then serve into a bowl sprinkling walnut halves and drizzling with honey and there you have a bery yummy and exciting breakfast that not only tastes delicious it also will keep you satisfied till next meal/snack time.



This doesnt really need much explaining a small cup or a handfull is plenty







6 Medium / Large Carrots

1 Medium Onion

1 tsp vegetabke stock granules

2 cups of Water

Boil water in a saucepan, add granules and stir till de-solved – cut carrots and onion in half and add to water, cook for just 4 minutes. Then place soup ingredients into blender until blended to a pulp. Pop back in the saucepan for 2 more minutes and then serve.




1 tbsp Cottage Cheese

1 Tbsp Plain Yoghurt

1 tsp cinnamon flaxseed oil

1 tsp cacao Nibs

1 tsp Hemp Seeeds

Honey to sweeten   –   Very simple – no special order to mix – throw it all together and it should look something like this …..    Enjoy x


By on July 12, 2010

Is a bulging belly sapping your summer confidence? The reason for your puffy midsection may be bloat, not fat. To shrink your stomach in less than a week, all it takes are a few simple swaps. Here are 4 foods to add to your diet — and 4 to avoid — for superfast slimming.


1. Add: 2 Kinds of Fiber

Start the day with a better breakfast

Why It Beats Bloat:Constipation distends your belly, and one easy way to get rid of it is by starting each morning with a breakfast cereal that guarantees your body a daily dose of fiber. This gets the digestive system moving within a day or so and keeps it that way. Based on a recent study of breakfast cereals, University of Toronto researchers say that consuming two kinds of fiber at once is most effective. The scientists found that participants had an easier time staying regular with a cereal that contained both insoluble fiber (from bran) and gel-like soluble fiber (from psyllium). The two types work together to pull water into your colon and speed up elimination, explains Joanne Slavin, PhD, a professor of food science and nutrition at the University of Minnesota. The result? You look and feel lighter.

Good Food Fix: Eat 1/3 cup of  Ezekiel 4:9 Organic Sprouted Grain Cereal (Golden Flax) or

Kellogg’s All-Bran Bran Buds each day.

2. Subtract: Sodium

Put down the shaker

Why It Beats Bloat:Sodium makes you retain water, puffing up your belly. Most of us eat more than twice as much sodium as we should–topping 3,400 mg a day, rather than the recommended 1,500, according to the CDC.

Good Strategies: Stop salting your food at the table, and check for sodium on the labels of packaged foods, which provide about three-quarters of our daily intake.

3. Add: Potassium-Rich Foods

Banish bloat with bananas!

Why It Beats Bloat:Foods such as bananas and potatoes help your body get rid of excess water weight, minimizing your middle. The extra fluid is typically present because the two main minerals that control the amount of water in your body—potassium and sodium—have gotten out of balance. When your sodium level is too high, your tissues hold on to fluid. You can restore your sodium-potassium equilibrium by increasing your potassium intake to an optimum 4,700 mg per day. To do this, you need to eat about 4 1/2 cups of produce daily, including the especially rich sources that are mentioned below. As you rebalance your system, you’ll flush out the extra sodium along with the water. Presto: less puffiness.

Watch out, though. Food is a safe source of potassium, but supplements are not. They can cause potassium to build up in your body and potentially lead to abnormal heart rhythms and even heart attack, especially in people with kidney or heart problems, says Leslie Bonci, RD, MPH, director of sports medicine nutrition for the Center for Sports Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

Good Food Fixes: 1 medium banana, 1 medium papaya, 1/2 cup steamed edamame, 1/2 cup tomato sauce, 1/2 cup cooked spinach, 1 medium orange

4. Subtract: Sugar Alcohols

Watch out for these “diet food” belly busters

Why It Beats Bloat:We don’t completely digest these low-cal sweeteners (found in flavored waters and low-carb, diabetic, and sugar-free foods). Bacteria in the large intestine ferment them, causing gas and even diarrhea.

Good Strategy: Check food labels to help avoid them; common ones are sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, and lacitol.

5. Add: More Fluids

Guzzle more liquids throughout the day

Why It Beats Bloat:Drinking enough liquid supports the other ways you’re trying to flatten your tummy, says Bonci. For example, she explains, when there’s enough fluid present in your system, the dual-fiber cereal you have eaten is better able to pull liquid into your lower intestine and ease constipation. “Women who don’t drink sufficient fluids can get that blown-up belly feeling, despite all their other efforts to get rid of it,” warns Bonci.

How much fluid do you need? Getting rid of bloat means being well hydrated, so aim for at least 8 glasses of liquid each day, plus plenty of fluid-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables. You can meet your quota with any liquid, including water, milk, juice, coffee, and tea–though not alcohol, which has a dehydrating effect on your system.

Good Fluid Fix: Tap water is an excellent option because it has no calories, salt, sugar, or additives. And it’s free!

6. Subtract: Candy, Soda, Gum

Avoid these bubble-inducing belly bloaters

Why It Beats Bloat:Once air from any source reaches your digestive system, you experience it as gas and a distended belly. Eating or drinking quickly, sipping through a straw, sucking on hard candy, and chewing gum can make you swallow air.

Good Strategies: When eating, chew slowly with your mouth closed,  Trade carbonated drinks for flat ones, such as juice, green tea or water, and lose the gum and candies.

7. Add: Yogurt with Probiotics

Enjoy this cool, creamy treat for better digestion

Why It Beats Bloat: Research published in Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics reveals that an imbalance of bacteria in your gut can cause your digestive system to slow down and your belly to puff up. However, yogurts that contain live bacteria, otherwise known as probiotics, can help. Though researchers don’t fully understand the mechanism, a study in the Journal of the American Dietetic Associationfound that the bacteria seem to tame tummy bloat by causing an improvement in intestinal mobility, thereby relieving constipation.

Good Food Fix: Eat a daily 4-ounce container of low-fat or fat-free yogurt containing live, active cultures.

8. Subtract: Raw Produce

Cook these foods to shrink your stomach

Why It Beats Bloat:Fresh fruits and vegetables are healthy, but they’re also high-volume foods that take up room in your stomach, distending it.

Good Strategies: Spread fresh produce consumption over the day, so at any sitting you’re not eating more than one-third of the recommended daily total of 4 1/2 cups. You can also shrink produce by cooking it, creating a more compact serving.


By on June 21, 2010




REGULAR RETAIL PRICE IS $20.00 – yours today for just $7.99


By on June 16, 2010

Suffering from dehydration may cause a variety of symptoms, all of which can be traced to a lack of water intake. Most of us are drinking plenty of fluids: coffee, soda, tea and juice. But not enough water.

What kinds of symptoms result from drinking too little water? Most commonly constipation, dry and itchy skin, acne, nose bleeds, repeated urinary tract infections, dry and unproductive coughs, constant sneezing, sinus pressure and headaches.

You might ask how a lack of water intake can cause this wide array of symptoms. Water is required by every cell in the body as nourishment and to remove wastes. When water becomes scarce, the body tries to limit the amount it loses through breathing, mucous production, urination, perspiration and bowel movements.

Several cups of water are lost daily through breathing because the lungs require humid air to do their work. In the winter when drier air prevails outside and heating systems (especially forced hot air and wood stoves) dry out the air inside, even more water is lost. It is estimated that on an average day in the fall, 3-4 cups of water are lost through breathing. On a cold, dry winter day as much as 2-3 more cups of water may be lost in this way. The body has to moisturize the air before it reaches the lungs and does so through the mucous membranes lining the nasal passages and the bronchi. As available fluid decreases, the mucous lining becomes drier. This in turn irritates the lungs, causing them to become more reactive to dust, mold particles, cigarette smoke and other irritants, and less resistant to viruses and bacteria. The result: dry cough and bronchitis.

The mucous membranes of our lungs and gut are an important component of our resistance to disease. They provide an effective barrier to bacteria, viruses and pollutants when intact. But a number of substances (such as aspirin) are known to harm this barrier. What is less well known is that a lack of water in the body makes the all important mucous less viscous and can cause constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and a slowed movement of the bowels contents. These problems in turn increase ones risk of other long term disease including hemorrhoids and colon cancer. The mucous lining in the sinus passages is similarly vital as a defense against disease. When it becomes drier, sinusitis, nose bleeds and allergic symptoms worsen.

Obviously, we all lose some water through urination and urination is required for the removal of various toxins from the body. When fluid volume is diminished, the ability of the body to remove toxins through urination is also diminished. It is a comon misunderstanding that the more water we drink, the harder it is on the kidneys. In fact, except for people with some uncommon kidney problems, the opposite is true. Water soluble toxins cannot be easily removed through the bowels, especially when a lack of water also causes constipation. These toxins then must be eliminated in other ways such as through the skin. The increase in body toxin levels can cause headaches and fatigue. The attempt by the body to remove excess levels of unwanted chemicals through the skin can cause acne and will aggravate eczema.

The easy solution to all these problems is to drink more water. Coffee, tea and soda all contain caffeine which is a known diuretic and will actually accentuate the symptoms of fluid loss. Fruit juices are more concentrated in sugar than your body’s fluids and so the body will attempt to dilute them in the gut thereby causing a loss of water from other areas of the body. In the dry, hot air of winter and very hot days of summer, drink at least 10 glasses of water daily for optimal health. During the spring and fall, 8 glasses will suffice for most people, although those with inhalant allergies do best to drink as much water as possible. Pregnant women need to drink at least 50% more water daily than they would while not pregnant. People who exercise vigorously should add one glass of water for each 30 minutes of exercise. Herbal teas and diluted fruit juices (1/3 fruit juice to 2/3 water) can be substituted for some of the water. Drink one extra glass of water for each cup of coffee or black tea you have. Humidifying the air in the winter will help reduce water loss, but be careful to clean humidifiers daily to discourage bacteria or mold build up.

What type of water is best? Activated carbon or charcoal filtered water is probably the least expensive way to drink ‘safe’ water. The carbon filter removes most of the carcinogens and bacteria commonly found in drinking water. These filters are often very inexpensive and can be found in almost any department store. Distilled water has had all the metals (both harmful and helpful) removed. None of the flourinated and chlorinated hydrocarbons (coming from combining fertilizers and pesticides with flouride and chlorine) are removed. It is these hydrocarbons which are linked with the most health problems. Bottled spring waters may be healthy, but they are not yet required to be analyzed for chemical and bacterial levels.

Water can be a miracle cure for many common ailments. Try drinking some now and see if you don’t feel better!

Hydrating During Exercise

What drink is best for getting and staying hydrated during exercise? Should you choose water? Are sports drinks best? What about juice or carbonated soft drinks? Coffee or tea?


The natural choice for hydration is water. It hydrates better than any other liquid, both before and during exercise. Water tends to be less expensive and more available than any other drink. You need to drink 4-6 ounces of water for every 15-20 minutes of exercise. That can add up to a lot of water! While some people prefer the taste of water over other drinks, most people find it relatively bland and will stop drinking water before becoming fully hydrated. Water is the best, but it only helps you if you drink it.

Sports Drinks

Sports drinks don’t hydrate better than water, but you are more likely to drink larger volumes, which leads to better hydration. The typical sweet-tart taste combination doesn’t quench thirst, so you will keep drinking a sports drink long after water has lost its appeal. An attractive array of colors and flavors are available. You can get a carbohydrate boost from sports drinks, in addition to electrolytes which may be lost from perspiration, but these drinks tend to offer lower calories than juice or soft drinks.


Juice may be nutritious, but it isn’t the best choice for hydration. The fructose, or fruit sugar, reduces the rate of water absorption so cells don’t get hydrated very quickly. Juice is a food in its own right and it’s uncommon for a person to drink sufficient quantities to keep hydrated. Juice has carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, but it isn’t a great thirst quencher.

Carbonated Soft Drinks

When you get right down to it, the colas and uncolas of the world aren’t good for the body. The acids used to carbonate and flavor these beverages will damage your teeth and may even weaken your bones. Soft drinks are devoid of any real nutritional content. Even so, they taste great! You are more likely to drink what you like, so if you love soft drinks then they might be a good way to hydrate. The carbohydrates will slow your absorption of water, but they will also provide a quick energy boost. In the long run, they aren’t good for you, but if hydration is your goal, soft drinks aren’t a bad choice. Avoid drinks with lots of sugar or caffeine, which will lessen the speed or degree of hydration.

Coffee and Tea

Coffee and tea can sabotage hydration. Both drinks act as diuretics, meaning they cause your kidneys to pull more water out of your bloodstream even as the digestive system is pulling water into your body. It’s a two-steps-forward-one-step-back scenario. If you add milk or sugar, then you reduce the rate of water absorption even further. The bottom line? Save the latte for later.

The bottom line: Drink water for maximum hydration, but feel free to mix things up a bit to cater to your personal taste. You will drink more of what you like. In the end, the quantity of liquid is the biggest factor for getting and staying hydrated.


By on June 9, 2010

The balancing stick pose, or Tuladandasana, is the seventh posture in the sequence for Bikram Yoga. It is believed to increase your circulation while unclogging the arteries of the body and preventing cardiac troubles in the future. The balancing stick pose is a great posture to strengthen the legs and relieve stress from the spine. Much like other Bikram postures, the balancing stick can be integrated into almost any yoga practice.

Its like a natural human tug of war – stretching and reaching simultaneously. Both knees are locked and the elbows are with the ears. The focus is four feet in front.

  • Stretches the entire length of the spine
  • Exercises pancreas, liver, spleen and nervous systems
  • Reduces symptoms of asthma
  • Perfects control and balance
  • Improve physical, psychological, and mental strength
  • Strengthens the heart muscle
  • Strengthens and firms arms, hips, abdomen, buttocks and upper thighs
  • Stretches capacity of the lungs
  • Corrects poor posture
  • Helps tennis elbow and varicose veins

    Things You’ll Need:

    • Yoga mat
    • Loose, comfortable clothing
    1. Stand on the mat with your feet together, making sure that your big toes are touching and your heels are somewhat spread apart. Evenly balance your weight through your thighs, your calves, your ankles, and down to your feet.
    2. Firm your thighs as you turn them inward. At the same time, lengthen your spine from your neck down to your tailbone, keeping your back straight, yet relaxed.
    3. Roll your shoulders back slightly as you lift your ribcage, keeping your sternum perpendicular to the floor, until your chest is open. Make sure that when you lift your ribcage that it is just a lift, not a push forward with a lift.
    4. Bring your arms down to your sides, keeping them loose and relaxed.
    5. Straighten your neck, balancing your head evenly between your shoulders, until your chin is parallel with the floor. Find a spot on the wall directly across from you where you can naturally focus your gaze, yet still keeping it soft.
    6. Raise your arms over your head and interlace the fingers of your hands. Release your index fingers and point them to the sky as you press your palms together.
    7. Bring your right foot forward about 3 feet and plant it firmly on the mat.
    8. Shift your weight to your right foot as you lift your left foot off the mat, pointing your toes as this foot leaves the floor.
    9. Bend your upper body forward, initiating this movement from your hips, as you continue to raise your left leg up and out. At the same time, straighten your right leg up into your hip as the rest of your body levels off until it is parallel with the floor. You should be able to draw a straight line from the tips of your index fingers to the big toe of your left foot.
    10. Adjust your head, tilting your neck up slightly so your gaze is not fixed straight down. Now soften your gaze and look through the floor.
    11. Stretch your body in opposite directions, imagining someone is pulling you in one direction at your left foot and the other direction from your hands.
    12. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Come out of it and repeat Steps 6 through 11 for the other side of your body.


By on May 28, 2010


3 1/2 cups water
3/4 cup peeled and chopped ginger root
2 TBS vanilla
1 TBS lemon extract
1/4 tsp stevia concentrate powder
Carbonated or sparkling water


Rapidly boil ginger root in water for 10 minutes. Strain and place liquid in a jar. Stir in vanilla, lemon and stevia. Cool and store in the refrigerator.


By on May 28, 2010

Here are a handful of protein shake recipes that I just LOVE !!!!
In my experience of making so many shakes – I would strongly recommend slicing and freezing your fruit in small sealed containers – this will make the flavors of the shake more prominent and this way you will not need ice.

Ultimately – the only things you need in order to make a protein shake is a Blender, Fruit and Protein Powder. Here are the Recipes …

Blueberries and Banana Cream Delight

Vanilla Protein (1 or 2 scoops)

Frozen Blueberries (1 Cup)

Frozen Banana (1 Medium Banana)

Almond Milk or Soy Milk (1 Cup)

Cinnamon Apple Pie Crumble

Vanilla Protein (1 or 2 scoops)

Frozen Apple Slices ( 1 Medium Apple)

Frozen Banana (1 Medium Banana)

Graham Cracker (1 Cracker)

Cinnamon (1/2 Teaspoon)

Almond Milk or Soy Milk (1 Cup)

Peanut Butter and Jelly Shake

Vanilla Protein (1 or 2 scoops)

Frozen Blueberries ( 1 Cup)

Frozen Banana (1 Medium Banana)

Peanut Butter / Almond Butter (1 Tablespoon)

Almond Milk or Soy Milk (1 Cup)

Healthy Cake Batter in Cup

Vanilla Protein (1 or 2 Scoops)

Source of Life ( 1 Scoop)

Ice (1 cup)

Almond Milk or Soy Milk (1 Cup)

Banana Chocolate Chunk

Vanilla or Chocolate Protein (1 or 2 scoops)

Frozen Banana (1 Medium Banana)

Walnuts / Almonds (1 Cup)

Coco Nibs (2 Tablespoons)

Almond Milk or Soy Milk (1 Cup)

Ice (1/2 Cup if Needed)


By on May 21, 2010

Chocolate Mousse

3/4 C Dates soaked until very soft with pits removed
2 avocado
1  C. Almond Milk
1/2 C Almond Butter
3/4 C Cacao Powder
1/2 C Agave
In food processor or blender, combine all ingredients and blend or process until smooth. Refrigerate, then enjoy. You will not believe how good this is!


By on May 18, 2010

Find out how to correctly perform a piriformis stretch. And in the process possibly help your lower back pain!

Your piriformis muscle attaches from your hip to your sacrum (base of your back). Therefore, when your piriformis muscle is tight, it can pull on your sacrum, which then pulls on your lower back, placing additional strain on it. Your piriformis is a deep muscle in your buttock region. Therefore, it can literally be a big pain in the butt! Try these piriformis exercises to see if you can find relief.

There are several different ways you can stretch the piriformis. You can try both ways and see which position you can feel a better stretch.

Piriformis Stretch #1 Lower Trunk Rotation

Lay on your back.

Bend one knee up to your chest.

With the opposite hand, pull your knee across your body until a stretch is felt in your buttock.

Hold 20-30 seconds, repeat 3 times twice daily. Repeat on the other side.

Discontinue if pain increases and stays worse longer than 1-2 hours. If your pain increases into your thigh or lower leg, discontinue this stretch and consult your health care professional.

Stretch #2 Figure Four

Lay on your back.

Cross left ankle over on the right knee.

Bend the right knee up to the chest by putting your hands behind your right thigh until a stretch is felt in the left buttock.

Sometimes this is too strong of a stretch and crossing your ankle on to your knee is all you can tolerate at the time. You may also have difficulty reaching your thigh to pull up your leg. If this is the case, us a towel and hook it around your right thigh to help you pull up your leg.

Hold 20-30 seconds, repeat 3 times twice daily. Repeat on the other side.

Discontinue if pain increases and stays worse longer than 1-2 hours. If your pain increases into your thigh or lower leg, discontinue this stretch and consult your health care professional.